Restorative treatments

Is your skin sensitive? You need a soothing cream, a cream for very sensitive skin. This face product will quickly soothe your skin; it’s the ideal soothing treatment for sensitive skin to restore comfort right away.

1 result "Restorative treatments"

Cicalfate+ Repairing Protective Cream
Cicalfate+ Repairing Protective Cream

Cicalfate+ Repairing Protective Cream

Purifies - Soothes - Repairs
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Active water, a source of innovation 


How do you relieve an allergic reaction on your face?

Do you experience redness, tightness and tingling on your face after contact with household products, cosmetics or exposure to the sun? You probably have sensitive, reactive skin, prone to skin allergies.

To relieve this discomfort, the first step is to identify what is causing the allergic reaction to remove it or stop using it.

We then recommend two skincare rituals to immediately soothe the heat and irritation on dry skin:

  1. 3n6_|2)C%6WSVwaEEKa(_G9emcpQh?2R88v9V;7sZL96z,e6
  2. Apply a soothing face cream to quickly and durably soothe the discomfort.


More generally, to prevent an allergic reaction recurring on your face, avoid cleansers and cosmetics containing fragrance and aggressive ingredients. Choose hypoallergenic products for sensitive and reactive skin such as Tolérance Gel Cleanser Lotion.


If your facial skin allergies are severe and/or recurrent and the application of a soothing cream is not enough, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or dermatologist. They can refer you to an allergist to identify the substances that you cannot tolerate more precisely. 3n6_|2)C%6WSVwaEEKa(_G9emcpQh?2R88v9V;7sZL96z,e6

Which soothing cream should I choose for allergy-prone skin on my face?

To preserve the sensitivity of hypersensitive, reactive, intolerant or allergic skin, you need to avoid soothing facial creams that contain fragrances, essential oils and preservatives, in short: all substances likely to irritate this type of fragile skin.

On a daily basis, we suggest that you choose face care products  with minimal ingredients such as those in our Tolérance Extrême range. From cleansing milk to hydrating and soothing creams and masks, these products meet the needs of sensitive skin by focussing on what’s essential.

3n6_|2)C%6WSVwaEEKa(_G9emcpQh?2R88v9V;7sZL96z,e6 Thanks to the patented active ingredient D-Sensinose, these face creams soothe tingling, burning, tightness and general discomfort in under thirty seconds. Two textures have been developed:

If your redness is accompanied by itching and is more like eczema-prone skin, we recommend the soothing anti-scratch creams from the Xeracalm A.D. range.

The three ranges of soothing creams mentioned here benefit from Sterile Cosmetics® technology, i.e.:

  • A composition with only essential active ingredients for the skin.
  • A sterilised formula and sterile barrier packaging.
  • A perfectly hermetic closure system.

Finally, if you plan to go out in the sun, apply mineral sun protection (without chemical filters) with an SPF adapted to your phototype and the level of sunlight at least every two hours.