How can you make sure your scar heals well?

Why is monitoring your healing so important?

When your skin is injured, a natural healing mechanism is triggered to repair it. That’s the magic of your body! A whole commando of cells go into action to regenerate your skin, step by step. They stop the bleeding, protect, sanitise and close the wound before rebuilding the tissue... Your metabolism is put to the test to heal! Yes, your skin has great natural powers. But beware of the risk of complications that could delay healing. Stay alert and give your skin a boost with the right care.

A scar can take several months or even years to reach its final appearance. So good news, you have time to act... But the sooner the better! Give yourself the best chance of a beautiful scar by using creams and other suitable treatments.

Rule 1: keep a close eye on your wound 

The quality of your scar is largely determined by the way you treat your wound. A wound is a living area, and its appearance will change over time, more or less quickly depending on the nature of the lesion.

To put it simply: if your wound is red in the early stages, this is usually a good sign.  It means that your scar tissue is healing. But take notice if you see a yellowish, stringy appearance or blackish and/or bound patches. 

When should you worry?

 If your wound hasn’t healed after 6 weeks, becomes painful, has a lot of discharge or a foul smell, you need to consult a health professional.

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Good habits to heal well

What are the best ways for the whole family to heal everyday injuries? Read, re-read and memorise these habits so you're not left wondering every time!

1: Cleaning
Are your hands clean? Clean your wound with mild soap and water to remove foreign bodies. Then dry the wound, preferably with a compress. In the case of a large wound, consider isolating the wound with a bandage.
2: Accelerating repair
Apply a scar healing cream at least twice a day to stimulate the skin repair process. If your wound is oozing, choose a drying formula.

3: Sun protection
Scars don’t like the sun. In summer and winter alike, take the right steps to enjoy the sun in complete safety.


Good habits to heal well

What are the best ways for the whole family to heal everyday injuries? Read, re-read and memorise these habits so you're not left wondering every time!

1: Cleaning
Are your hands clean? Clean your wound with mild soap and water to remove foreign bodies. Then dry the wound, preferably with a compress. In the case of a large wound, consider isolating the wound with a bandage.
2: Accelerating repair
Apply a scar healing cream at least twice a day to stimulate the skin repair process. If your wound is oozing, choose a drying formula.

3: Sun protection
Scars don’t like the sun. In summer and winter alike, take the right steps to enjoy the sun in complete safety.



What should I eat to heal properly?

Your body and skin need a healthy, varied diet to heal properly. What a perfect opportunity to try out some new recipes! 

Fill your plate with foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, blackcurrants, peppers, redcurrants, etc.) and protein, such as eggs, meat and fish. You should also focus on iron-rich foods: seafood, red meat, pulses, etc. 

Some foods should be avoided, such as milk, sugar (sadly!) and certain spices (turmeric, ginger, etc.).


The essentials for repairing, soothing and purifying sensitive, irritated skin for the whole family.