Spring/summer make-up

At the end of the winter, the complexion often needs to be revived. In the height of summer, make-up must combine long wear and sun protection. Here are a few tips on how to apply make-up flawlessly during the summer months, even in the hottest hours!

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Spring-summer make-up: moisturise and protect

Excellent moisturising is the key to beautiful skin on sunny days. While you can use your usual moisturiser in the spring, think lightweight moisturiser when the temperature rises! 
You can even replace it with a serum before applying your sun protection. Because while the sun is good for your mood, it can also be bad for your skin. You must therefore protect it: after applying your serum or moisturiser, even out your complexion with a foundation containing a sun protection factor for a light, fresh finish. A compact foundation cream that also contains UV protection will provide more coverage and conceal imperfections such as sun spots. 

How to choose the right foundation

I love summer, the sun and being tanned, but because I hate the spots that come with it, I always use SPF 50+ and a coral corrector stick to protect and hide them

Spring/summer make-up: set and enhance

Once you’ve evened out your skin tone, you now need to set your make-up. For a sheer make-up look, apply the Translucent Mosaic Powder all over your face and neck with a large brush (from the centre to the edges of the face). For touch-ups during the day, start by absorbing oil or perspiration by pressing a tissue to the T-zone, then re-powder your face.

If, after winter, your complexion needs to be brightened, choose the Brightening Mosaic Powder and finish with the "strobing" technique: a touch of powder in the centre of the forehead, on the tops of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the centre of the chin.

The Sun Mosaic Powder is applied after thee Brightening or Translucent Mosaic Powder Light. It is perfect if you want a matte complexion, as soon as your skin starts to shine, or if you want to give your fair complexion a tanned look. Apply it in the shape of the number three on each side of your face, from the forehead to the cheekbones to the chin. As soon as your skin is bronzed or if you have black or mixed skin, use the brush over the whole face, from the centre to the edges, without forgetting the neck! Tip: avoid dark circles and the centre of the forehead to keep your eyes looking bright.

Finally, whatever powder you choose, spray a fine mist of thermal spring water about 20 cm from your face to ensure your make-up stays put.

How to choose your powder


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Spring/summer make-up: tanned, with or without the sun

To obtain a bronzed effect on the skin of your face, you can expose yourself to the sun... or not!

Tanned by sun exposure 

If you have chosen to expose yourself to the sun, protect your body and face with appropriate protection and avoid the hottest hours, between midday and 4pm. If you want to keep your make-up on, you need to take your face protection to the next level: a Tinted Moisturiser with SPF 50+ or a Compact Foundation Cream with a high SPF and a matte finish will give you the best possible coverage, wear and protection. A little trick to absorb sweat without removing your make-up: dab your skin with a tissue and spray your face regularly with thermal spring water.

Tanned without sun exposure

It’s possible to achieve a subtle tan without going into the sun. After moisturising your skin and evening out your complexion, use a large brush to apply Translucent Mosaic Powder all over your face and neck, followed by a touch of Sun Mosaic Powder on the exposed areas of your face: forehead, cheekbones, bridge of the nose and neck. The prior application of the Translucent Mosaic Powder allows for a more even application of the Sun Mosaic Powder.


How to make up my acne-prone skin



Red, blonde, light brown or brunette... depending on your hair colour, your skin tends to tan differently. For a harmonious make-up look, you have to take this into account!

If you are a redhead, your skin is particularly vulnerable to the sun and you are likely to tan very little. But don't let that stop you from using Sun Mosaic Powder! Its warm tones perfectly match your bold hair. Apply it to the exposed areas of your face: the top of the forehead, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, chin and centre of the neck.

If you are blonde, your skin usually takes on a more or less golden colour. Intensify the golden colour of your complexion by applying Mosaic Sun Powder to the edges of your face, cheekbones and the centre of your neck.

For the eyes, choose a brown pencil, blended at the base of the lashes.

If you have light brown hair, your skin will most often take on a coppery hue. The coral side of the Mosaic Sun Powder will allow you to make up both eyelids and cheekbones!

If you are a brunette, your skin will turn amber. The Sun Mosaic Powder will allow you to warm it up, from the complexion to the eyelids and the cheekbones!

Whatever your hair and skin colour, avoid green, blue, overly red, crimson and purple eyeshadows. And if you want to keep it simple, apply some High Definition Pencil kohl style and a touch of High Tolerance Mascara to your lashes—and that's it. On the lips, the Soft Nude Beautifying Lip Balm is suitable for everyone, regardless of the intensity of their tan.

How to make up the eyes

The right gestures for spring/summer make-up

Whatever the season, the make-up removal step is essential to keep your skin healthy and youthful. This is especially true in the summer, when the heat, sun care products and perspiration can quickly suffocate the skin. So remove your make-up carefully with a suitable product and don't hesitate to spray thermal spring water regularly on your face to prevent it from overheating, to moisturise it and to soothe it.

The right gestures for spring/summer make-up

Our make-up solutions for spring and summer

Couvrance products designed for spring/summer make-up